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Ωρες εργασίας: Mon - Sat / 08:00 - 17:30, Sunday / 09:00 - 17:00
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Free 15 minute Remote Consultation

Care provision in private practices, clinics and hospitals has dramatically changed due to Covid-19. United Kingdom is a leading example. Remote consultation has been rapidly introduced to protect patients and staff from the risks of infection. Please send us an email with your contact preferences and we will contact you immediately.

Read more on remote consultation

Mr Evangelou has worked in UK during the pandemic and has great experience on remote consultations.

The remote consultation doesn’t substitute the need of a face to face appointment and clinical examination, but:

  • Patients from remote areas can communicate and discuss with a specialist, especially those with mobility issues.
  • It is  helpful for scan follow ups, review appointments when  a face to face consultation is not required, or as a pre- assessment visit when you can inform the specialist about your symptoms, available scans and brief medical history, so as to make your first appointment more efficient.

What should I need:

  • A private room for confidentiality purposes
  • Fast broadband internet connection
  • A smartphone, table, laptop or PC
  • A videocall application like Skype, Vibet, Whatsaap, FaceTime etc
  • An activated camera and microphone
  • And ideally you should have completed the new patient form


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Ωρες εργασίας: Mon - Sat / 08:00 - 17:30, Sunday / 09:00 - 17:00
Καλέστε απευθείας:
+306972908091 (Greece)
+441295500974 (Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK) +441908334200 (Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire)
en_GBEnglish (UK)